Many out there are playing the scales game with print and digital reading. To me, it is not a matter of what is better, it is the preference and the benefits that each have. You do not have to totally move to one side, I have a
(LOVE IT), but I also enjoy reading my little library of books, though my wife would rather have the space for other things (which I think is the reason why she got me the Kindle...). Anyways, there are many surveys and studies out there about the benefits, trends, preferences, and uses of print versus digital (and vise versa). Most of the articles use 'online' instead of digital; I think digital is more of an over-encompassing term, referring to both reading online (internet, via a device) and reading just on a device (a smart phone, tablet, e-reader, etc.,), without the use of the internet. Also, many articles discuss habits or reading strategies of a people that an article would study over. What most of the articles conclude is that technology is evolving as well as the readers (some with inclusive and others evidence of what that particular article's thesis is concerning). Yes, many of these articles are also focused towards the educational benefits or disadvantages that the researcher (of an article) found with technology in reading.
You can find these articles (maybe not all) on google scholar by typing "online reading [stratgies/preferences/etc.,];" Below are a couple of suggested articles; Poole is one of the leading researchers in this subject.
Poole , A., & Mokhtari, K. (2008). ESL students’ use of reading strategies when reading texts online and in print. In K. Mokhtari and R. Sheorey (Eds.), Studies in first and second language reading (pp. 197-214). Norwood, MA: Christopher Gordon.
Amer, A., & Qaboos, S. (2010). Student teachers’ perceived use of online reading strategies. International Journal of Education and Development using Information and Communication Technology(IJEDICT), 2010, Vol. 6, Issue 4, pp.102-113.
Poole , A. The relationship of reading proficiency to strategy use while online: A study of US college students. Journal of College Literacy and Learning.Please comment, with a discussion I will be able to answer questions and have a nice debate.
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